Centr 2024

With the family of Centr fitness kits, you can strengthen, tone, and elongate your muscles, improving both how you look and feel. The combination of different tools allows you to customize your routine based on your specific needs and preferences. Use your equipment with Centr to get personalized coaching from Chris Hemsworth’s team of experts. Centr’s digital platform can sync with your favorite wearable to track your progress and help reach your goals. Centr coaching features ways to improve your total well-being with fitness training, nutrition advice, and mindfulness tools. CENTR CORE KIT SKU: CAK A strong core is the key to almost all physical activities. Improved core strength increases balance, improves posture, and can decrease back pain. This kit has all the tools you need to strengthen, tone, and work your entire core. CONTENTS Ab Roller Physio Ball 6 Lb Slam Ball Core Slider Discs SPECIFICATIONS Retail Box Dims: 11.65” x 8.46” x 10.43” CENTR KITS 3-Month Membership to Centr Digital Included with any Kit centr.com